Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Coming very soon

Sorry for the extended break.  Just finishing some things.  Will be back asap.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hi there! I wanna thank Dr. Stirring Rhod for the questions he sent me regarding wave180 and my career. Let me answer his first question now: How was wave180 conceptualized? The answer to that question actually goes back more than 10 years before. Back during the time that I was working at wxb102. Let me elaborate.....

Sunday, June 7, 2009

You know, through the years I've been reading a lot about how new wave music supposedly started in Manila and I am really grateful to all those contributors who have jolted my memory and helped bring back those great moments that I've had playing the music of my life.  So, maybe its about time that I shared with you MY story of how new wave (and for that matter, the show Wave180) really started in Manila.  Are you ready for this? 
Its really nice to reminisce about those good ole days, dont you know?  Share your thoughts and if you have any questions about Wave180, I'd be more than happy to clear up those gray areas.  I love you too, dont you know?